Sleeping in an RV or inside your car would not be considered camping. In this context, pitching camp would include setting up a tent outside your vehicle or sleeping on the ground. Rest AreasĬamping is not permitted at roadside rest areas. Do not assume that all locations allow overnight parking because some most definitely do not.

Some stores experience higher rates of vandalism, theft, and other illegal activity. Even with a monolith such as Walmart, it is the discretion of the store manager to make exceptions to corporate policies in order to address the needs of their unique location. If you draw attention to yourself or make a ruckus, their security may request you to leave.Įvery private business is empowered to set its own policies. Remember that if you’re parking at a business, whether that’s a big box retailer such as Walmart, a 24-hour gym, or a Casino, their parking is reserved for customers first.
Many hotels require their guests to register their license plates when checking in for security purposes, and cars parked overnight at closed businesses such as shopping malls may be targets of theft. Even if you make your best effort to be inconspicuous, you could find yourself in hot water. While it may be tempting after a long drive to park overnight at a grocery store, shopping center, or outside of a hotel, we cannot recommend it. For the glamping curious, this is your new favorite app. This grants you express permission to camp on private land and substantively increases the range of campsites at your disposal. Hipcamp is a fantastic resource for identifying private campsites and coordinating reservations with the respective owners. From micro campgrounds to treehouse cabins, flower farms, and backyards. Here’s the exception: some private landowners make their property available for camping. It is always in your best interest to know where you will be camping before you reach your destination, review local laws, regulations, and all posted signage. These types of laws feel political because they are. Here’s the plot twist: Increasingly, some towns and cities have begun to enact legislation that discourages or prohibits sleeping in your car on local streets. It makes sense that you can’t drive up to a stranger’s home and pitch your tent in their yard. While sleeping in your car isn’t inherently illegal, it is considered trespassing to sleep on another person’s property without permission. This brings us to the three most clearly defined boundaries. The American ideal of traveling the open road from coast to coast or road-tripping (even van life) romanticizes the pragmatism of sleeping in your car. Think of it like coloring inside the lines. Understanding where you can and can’t camp comes down to defining boundaries. We’ll also cover areas where camping is prohibited and sometimes even illegal.

In this guide, we’ll cover anywhere you can camp, from national parks to public lands.

Can you camp anywhere? No, there are limitations, but they’re very generous limitations.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could park your car anywhere with a scenic view and set up camp? While the reality of dispersed camping isn’t a literal free for all, it’s not so far from that either.